Monday, March 21, 2016

 So the stance that I wanted to take on this poster project was how the North Korean regime is similar to the Empire from Star Wars and how we should take action against North Korea. Looking at the final draft of my poster, I'm not quite sure my topic gets across as I only have two elements of Star Wars in my poster, and it's not obvious to people who haven't really seen Star Wars. However, my stance is projected in the image of the Imperial symbol being laid with the North Korean flag to show how the two relate, as well as the text which is calling out to the viewers and trying to get them to take action against North Korea.

This was the first digital draft of my poster that wasn't finished. The idea behind this was to take the South Korean leader, Park Geun-hye, and have her call out to the audience to pick up the helmet (Rebel Helmet from Star Wars) and compel them to fight against North Korea. I realized I had to change my poster idea when I came to this point as it seemed extremely plain in color and contrast and also lacked space for text. 

In the final draft of my poster, I tried to take an image of a flag of the Empire and have it cover over the North Korean flag as to show how North Korea is following the Empire's footsteps in its tyranny. While including the original idea from my thumbnail sketches of a torn up flag of the Empire over the flag of North Korea, I also added to the idea since I felt that there was a lack of drama or meaning when the poster was just the flags. 

I thought I did the best in the poster design portion of the rubric as viewers would be attracted to the bright red of flag at first and then move their eyes to the right where the text lay. The text would then bring the viewer down-screen after reading the text and to the left where they would see the images of the soldiers, which would bring them back to the flag eventually. 

Conceptually, the hardest part of this project was choosing an idea that I could take seriously and had many ideas that I could sketch out. I was able to determine that a Star Wars/Korean approach would be the best as I was interested in both topics and could brainstorm a couple ideas easily. 

Technically, the hardest part of this project was finding images that I could use for my project and add to the theme that I was trying to develop. Most images had backgrounds or parts that I didn't want included and I had to remove the parts by copying the image onto a transparent backdrop in photoshop. 

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