Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Star Wars Theories and Advertisements

*Note, if you have not watch Star Wars, you will be extremely confused.

An issue that are recently being debated heatedly in the Star Wars fan community is who Rey's father is. Of course they popular theory being debated is that she's Luke Skywalker's daughter. This is the most plausible belief in my opinion although it brings up some questions such as the controversial "falling in love" as a jedi and who would be her mother?

The one of the more insane theories is that Rey is Obi-wan's daughter or granddaughter. This idea in itself is actually one of the craziest ones because by the time that Obi-wan first meets Luke, he's already at the age of 35-40 years old. If this is true, Obi-wan would have most likely already would have married someone and had a child. However, then where would his child have been all this time if his child wasn't Rey? Rey couldn't be his daughter due to the age gap between her and Luke, nor could she be his granddaughter because then where would Obi-wan's child be?

The other issue I would like to bring up is related to Star Wars and includes my favorite music genre, K-Pop. While I loved to see K-Pop groups such as EXO performing songs about Star Wars to increase its influence (which I realize is a controversial topic within itself), the songs themselves don't seem to have any relation to Star Wars besides the equipment used in the production of the music video. I'm sure that many other K-Pop fans and like-minded people have felt the same.


  1. Initially after seeing the new Star Wars film, my first thought was that Rey was Luke Skywalker's daughter. My reasoning was based off of Rey's sudden discovery of her ability to use the Force. Prior to the events in this movie, she has had no idea who she is, where she came from, or who her parents are. And above all, she has no idea that she possesses this power. The first time she ever uses it is after she is captured by Kylo Ren. As she discovers her newfound power, she simultaneously knows how to control it. She was able to master her use the Force almost immediately. Keep in mind that when Luke was training to be a Jedi, it took him a very long time before he possessed the level of skill that Rey exhibits in The Force Awakens. In addition, when she discovers Luke's lightsaber, it "calls" to her, and when she touches it, she experiences a series of visions that just so happen to include one of Luke. Also, in the final showdown between her and Kylo Ren, the thing that saves her from defeat is using the Force, which fills her with a new surge of strength.
    All of this leads me to believe that Rey is somehow connected to Luke. Personally, I believe they are blood related, but that is a question that hopefully will be answered in the next movie.

    1. I have to agree with Ana, because of the way that Rey discovered the force. Since she saw a metallic red arm on top of R2D2 when she touched the lightsaber, and saw C3PO which always accompanied Luke in the original movie. Also the way that she unlocked the Jedi Mind Trick when she was a prisoner of Kylo (Ben Solo) Ren also made for Luke being her parent. In addition, the fact that there is the lightsaber where Kylo Ren wanted it because it also had a connection to him because of his mother being Leia, Luke's sister.
